
Religious - Traditional & Contemporary (non-exhaustive list)
How Great Thou Art (Pastor Carl Boberg)
Amazing Grace
Be Thou My Vision
The Old Rugged Cross
Holy, Holy, Holy
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
The Holy City (Stephen Adams)
How Great Thou Art (Pastor Carl Boberg)
The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) (Albert Hay Malotte)
Amazing Grace
Hold On To Me (Lauren Daigle)
Look up, Child (Lauren Daigle)
Rescue (Lauren Daigle)
You Say (Lauren Daigle)
Oceans - Where Feet may Fail (Hillsong Worship)
Mamas (Anne Wilson)
My Jesus (Anne Wilson)
Honey in the Rock (Brooke Ligertwood)
In Jesus' Name - God of Possible (Katy Nichole)
Child of Love (We the Kingdom)
Patriotic/Holiday (non-exhaustive list)
The National Anthem (The Star Spangled Banner)
America, the Beautiful
Battle Hymn of the Republic
God Bless America
My Country, 'Tis of Thee
Adeste Fideles (O Come All Ye Faithful)​
Joy to the World
Silent Night
Little Drummer Boy
O Come, o Come, Emmanuel
Angels We Have Heard on High
O Holy Night
What Child is This?​​​